Friday, July 10, 2020

World Bank Essay Writing Competition - Tips For Your Entries

World Bank Essay Writing Competition - Tips For Your EntriesThe world bank essay writing competition has been held annually since 1996. Some of the winning essays have been brilliant, inspiring and intelligent, and others have been boring and unoriginal. Those writers who made it through the competition were able to win a very handsome prize.One of the countries which used to hold the competition, South Korea, has now discontinued the competition. The reason given was that the competition had become too competitive and had people passing it off as work. Many students found that it was just another way to get some extra cash from the competition and had other motives for entering the competition.When the contest was first introduced, it was supposed to be an essay competition for students only. So, there was no problem about allowing any student to enter the competition. However, things changed. Students with a family background with political problems started to enter the competition , meaning that the competition had become a farce.This sort of competition meant that many students would have to spend a lot of time writing their essays and these could not be handed in as soon as they were completed. The judges usually demanded an extra day's work before a student was able to hand in the essay. This meant that the winners were often those who went into the competition with the least amount of time, only to lose out to those who entered in good time.The idea of the essay was that you would write about something you knew or heard of. It was supposed to be a research paper. There were so many flaws in this system of judging that, after many years, the judges, in fact, no longer allow this type of competition. Instead, the essay is judged on the quality of the prose and how well it flows.Most teachers have never really been impressed by the essays which are awarded, mostly because they do not have much information about the subject matter. The essay's aim should be t o show your knowledge of the topic and not give some fantastic, extravagant opinion. Students who read their work are far more likely to find it interesting and learning than those who just read about it.You will also see that there are a lot of entries going into the competition and this means that it is harder to win. There are a lot of people who will be watching the competition so to be competing for the title is almost impossible. So, try to write a well-researched essay that is written in a logical manner, something which can be applied in the real world.Although these are not your usual essays you may be thinking about winning the competition, remember that you are entering into a very competitive environment. If you really want to win, then you should always prepare for this situation. It will also be better to read some essays prior to the competition so that you know what to expect.

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